Series: New Marketing Strategies

Polar Design
The marketing imperative.  Each year, it gives birth to new buzzwords.  At Polar Design, we’ve witnessed quite a few marketing strategies rise and fall.  The following list is by no means perfect, but provides some perspective on how digital marketing has progressed in our 15 ye
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Preparing Websites and Campaigns for Google Enhanced Adwords

Desktop vs Mobile Advertising in Google Enhanced Adwords
Google Enhanced Adwords : Forcing Us to Grow Into Mobile? Earlier this year, Google Adwords’ blog announced a newly updated advertising platform : Google Enhanced Adwords, that will thoroughly revamp how advertisers create campaigns.  The goal is to allow advertisers to create s
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SEO and PPC Costs and Results Compared

Compare SEO and PPC Costs and Results
Results and costs of SEO vs PPC Comparison SEO and PPC are both important components of any marketing program.  SEO has the potential to drive traffic and sales leads at significantly less cost than PPC, but marketers often lack control over the results at a given time.  Pay-per-Click
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